
Valorcar wants to value fragmentation waste

Valorcar wants to value fragmentation waste

AVE - Gestão Ambiental e Valorização Energética, SA (AVE) established a collaboration protocol with VALORCAR to develop post-fragmentation screening technologies so as to select only part of the components form waste for co-processing, while the remaining will be...

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A final and sustainable solution for waste

A final and sustainable solution for waste

At AVE we promote the only method of waste management that does not produce ashes; therefore we offer a definitive solution: energy recovery and material recovery of waste allows for its complete elimination in an environmentally and economically...

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Solid waste

Solid waste

The use as an alternative fuel by the cement industry can offer a sustainable and definitive destination for waste that is not recyclable and that otherwise would be landfilled.

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The quality control of waste and cement is present in all stages of the process, from the selection of co-processable waste to the final product.

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The use of waste to feed the cement kilns reduces the country's dependence on foreign energy.

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Secondary raw materials

Secondary raw materials

Some of the waste used in co-processing is part of the clinker production as secondary raw material, without changing the quality of the final product.

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Co-processing ensures an environmentally sustainable and definitive destination for waste: it’s the only treatment solution that does not generate waste nor it creates environmental liability.

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